Become a Jubilee 2025 Volunteer

Become a Jubilee 2025 Volunteer


If you are over 18 and want to have a special – and active - experience of the next Holy Year, by assisting the numerous pilgrims who will come to Rome to enter through the Holy Door, this is your chance!

You can offer your service for one or more weeks, or for specific jubilee events, in a unique experience helping those in need of assistance and information along the pilgrimage routes that lead to the Holy Doors of Rome’s four Pontifical Basilicas.


How to become a volunteer:

To register your interest, please fill out the relevant form. After entering the requested data, you will be able to access a reserved area of the website using your email and chosen password.


In the reserved area of you will be asked to upload:


• ID Document: by uploading a photo of your current valid ID document, scanned clearly and legibly. (NO BACKGROUND OBJECTS SUCH AS TABLES)

• Passport photo: the photo must be taken recently, in color, be clear and sharp, with the subject represented frontally and with the eyes clearly visible. The face must not be covered. The face must be completely visible with no other objects in the background. Neutral or white background required

• Cover letter: must be duly signed by your Parish Priest or the person in charge of the church organization to which you belong (as per downloadable attachment)


In the reserved area you will also be able enter the specific weeks and/or jubilee events for which you are available, but only after uploading all the required documents.


You can indicate multiple weeks of availability, but these should always be counted Saturday to Saturday. If you prefer to offer your service for specific jubilee events, this will be considered as covering all days of the event, which may vary from jubilee to jubilee. We invite you to check the Jubilee Calendar before applying. You can withdraw your availability at any time, up to seven days before the start of your service slot.


Finally, in the reserved area, you can follow the progress of your application and check whether it has been accepted. The acceptance of volunteers remains the sole prerogative of the Organizational Secretariat of Jubilee 2025.


For more information contact us by sending an email to


Question and answer:


1. Who can become a Jubilee 2025 volunteer?

Any adult member of the faithful who intends to offer their availability for the fixed period of one week, from Saturday to Saturday, or for specific events and jubilees can apply to become a volunteer. When applying, it will be necessary to present a letter from your parish priest or a priest certifying your Catholic faith and your active participation in parish life. Seminarians, and male and female novices in religious orders/communities who wish to offer their time for this service require the written approval of their rector or formator. Knowledge of the Italian language is preferable, but not mandatory.


2. How do you become a Jubilee 2025 volunteer?

By registering through the official Jubilee website, or the Iubialeum25 APP, you can submit your application and register the week of your availability. The volunteer can offer multiple weeks of availability in the same application. Subsequently, the Secretariat will contact the volunteer to confirm his/her service according to requirements for the period in question.

The volunteer will then have to independently arrange for a visa (where necessary) and travel expenses to and from Rome, while the Dicastery for Evangelization will be responsible for food and accommodation during the period of service. The Dicastery will not be able to assist with visa applications.


3. What will a Jubilee 2025 volunteer be asked to do?

The Volunteer who offers his or her service for the 2025 Jubilee will be committed to the success of the event, but more importantly will be a witness as to what the Holy Year represents.

Therefore, the Volunteer will be involved in welcoming the pilgrims at the different meeting points, providing them with information on all the available services; accompanying them along the routes specially reserved to access the Papal Basilicas, accompany them through the Holy Doors and pause in prayer with pilgrims with appropriate reverence, without distractions according to the times and circumstances. In addition, the Volunteer will provide assistance for any further services that may be required in the various circumstances.

He/she offers this service willingly and free of charge. He/she undertakes to carry out the tasks assigned by the Jubilee Organizational Secretariat, based on the logistical and operational needs of the Jubilee program.


What documents are needed to become a Jubilee volunteer?

To apply you must:

1. Fill in the form on the official Jubilee website  in the "Become a Volunteer" section

2. Provide a letter of introduction (from a parish priest, a representative of a Church organization, the coordinator of a society of apostolic life, a superior of a religious institute etc). The letter should be scanned and sent as an attachment from your reserved area of the website.

Will volunteers receive a stipend or any other form of compensation for their work?

No. Volunteering is a completely free service offered to pilgrims from all over the world.

From which countries can volunteers offer their services?

Jubilee volunteers can come from any country. However, it is advisable to be able to speak (understand and express oneself) sufficiently in Italian.


Does the Jubilee volunteer have to be an adult?

Yes. Only those who have reached the age of 18 will be able to volunteer.

Can volunteers count on financial help for the trip to Rome?

No. The costs associated with the round trip to and from Rome are the responsibility of the volunteer.

How should volunteers arrange food and accommodation?

The Dicastery for Evangelization will provide food and accommodation for those serving as volunteers only for the actual days of service. Those who live in Rome, or the surrounding province will be able to return home overnight.

Will volunteers be insured?

Yes. There will be insurance for volunteers which will cover them against risks of injury during their period of service.

What should a volunteer bring to Rome?

Everything necessary for personal use, clothes suitable for the season and different weather conditions, requisite documents necessary for entry to Italy, a mobile phone which works in Italy and a health card (EU volunteers only).

What should a volunteer bring to Rome?

Rome has a typically Mediterranean climate, mild and comfortable during spring and autumn, although generally April and November can be rainy. In the summer Rome gets very hot and the nights are quite humid, while the winter is cold and tends to have little rain. Rome is however generally a breezy city.

The temperature in winter fluctuates between 0°C and 15°C, in summer it fluctuates between 20°C and 35°C.

Can Jubilee organizers provide visas to people who need them?

No. Obtaining a visa and any related costs are the responsibility of the volunteer.

How will volunteer training take place?

At the beginning of each period of service, on the Saturday, there will be a training meeting held by the volunteer manager providing the information needed to carry out the voluntary service in support of the pilgrims.

What tasks will the volunteers have?

- The volunteers will have the task of welcoming and accompanying pilgrims to the Holy Doors

- Accompanying pilgrims inside the basilicas and jubilee churches

- Providing the necessary information to pilgrims

- Other services needed as required.

Is it possible to arrive or depart from Rome after the established deadlines?

All volunteers, except those who live in Rome, will have guaranteed food and accommodation only for their agreed period of service. Accommodation in Rome outside the agreed period of service will be the responsibility of the volunteer.

Where should I go upon arrival in Rome?

Information on the meeting and service location will be communicated at a later date to successful applicants.

What will the duty shifts be like?

The ordinary duty shift will typically consist of a 6-hour period of service during the day - morning and afternoon - with rotating breaks and refreshment periods. In addition to the ordinary service, extraordinary service for significant jubilee events may be required. Details of such service will be communicated in due time where required.