Become a Volunteer for Jubilee 2025! Applications open from today

18 January 2024


From today you can apply to become a Volunteer for the 2025 Jubilee Year directly from this site. Serving as a Volunteer will be a unique opportunity to experience the next Holy Year as a protagonist, helping pilgrims who need information or assistance.

All adult members of the Church who wish to offer their availability for one or more weeks or for specific jubilee events can apply. After registering on the portal, the user will be able to proceed with the application by indicating the preferred period of service. When applying, it will be necessary to present a letter from your local parish priest or another priest certifying your Catholic faith and your active participation in parish life. Knowledge of the Italian language is preferable but not mandatory. In the reserved area, those who wish to volunteer can follow the progress of their application. It will be confirmed only following acceptance by the Secretariat of the 2025 Jubilee. Volunteer service should be provided freely and without payment, with the sole aim of being able to help and assist the numerous pilgrims coming from all over the world to Rome for the Holy Year.

Following validation, each volunteer will have to independently cover travel expenses to and from Rome and, if coming from the non-Schengen area, obtain the relevant visa. However, it will be the responsibility of the Dicastery for Evangelization to cover costs of  food and accommodation during the period of service. Any Volunteer who chooses to serve for the Jubilee, in addition to committing him/herself to the success of the event, is called to be a witness of what the Holy Year truly represents: love towards others, mercy, charity, reconciliation and much more.

Among the many tasks of the Volunteers will be welcoming pilgrims at the different meeting points, providing them with information on all the available services and accompanying them along the routes reserved for them to access the Papal Basilicas where, after passing through the Holy Doors, they will be able to pause for a period of prayer .

For further information we invite you to consult the specific "Become a volunteer" page: